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CORPORE | Restart

Actualizado: 7 sept 2018

Here I am again, with this song "Restart" from the album "City of Infinity" my ex-band #Corpore, but this is time for the #videoclip version itself to take the floor. I want to highlight the #intro of this song, one of my very best ones I've ever created.

One of the things standing out here is the choir #AmiciMusicae. Sweet performance after the chorus.

A masterpiece that Mike Dawson Kowalsky (the guitar guy) made the best of this #Metalcore band.

What've I been doing on this track?

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¡Os traemos este pequeño resumen de algunos de los momentos vividos en el Leyendas del Rock 2019! Esperamos que los disfrutéis tanto como hicimos nosotros. Una producción de Barbecho Productions. S

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